Sweet Bird of Youth
Written by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Dale Calandra
Both lyrical and lurid, Sweet Bird of Youth resonates as strongly as ever in a culture obsessed with controlling the sands of time. Williams masterfully unfolds his story of local boy gone bad Chance Wayne and his drunken, temperamental companion, faded movie star Princess Kosmonopolis, amidst a backdrop of small town narrow-mindedness, oil-rich politicians and heightened racial tensions.
Featuring: Kathy Scambiatterra, Josh Odor, Elizabeth Argus, Kristin Collins, Brandon Boler, Miguel Cohen, Lynne Hall, Sean Murphy, Tim Musachio, Keith Neagle, C. Sean Piereman, Brennan Roach, and Richard Henzel.
Costume Design: Lynn Sandberg
Set Design: Mike Mroch
Props Design: Gretel Ulyshen
Lighting Design: Jeff Glass
Sound Design: Adam Smith
Dramaturgy: Matt Ciavarella
Assistant Director: Kaiser Ahmed
Stage Manager: Loretta Rode
Assistant Stage Manager: Justin Vaisnor
Performance Schedule
Performances: October- January 2011
Thursday: 7:30 p.m.
Friday & Saturday: 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: 3:00 p.m.
““Scambiatterra is simply an acting marvel. Her comic timing is impeccable in this deeply witty, high-maintenance-has-been-turned-comeback role. The very sound of her gravelly voice grounds Williams’ heightened, poetic language to realist perfection.”
““Don’t waste a minute in getting your tickets. With luck, the demand for this hot show will require an extension, but don’t take any chances. ‘Sweet Bird of Youth” is a must!’””